Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Alliterations Anonymous

I had more fun writing this than any piece in recent memory.
I hope you enjoy reading it just as much.
Guess you would classify this as prose.

my meticulous Mind eschewing exterior existence
It iterates itself
passionately processing points of contention on parchment
decisively drowning in deep crimson flowing forth from felt tipped fingers
consciousness connects conscience
newly nuanced is my new frame of reference
now i  bow
po- lite-ly
before Powers boasting power over me
no longer misaligned do i feel
i will wait with reverence
gentle Genius, genus of cognition
treasured truly like lovers light caress
rush of reason runs spirited strengthening Sinews surreptitiously
quibbles and quarrels quit wasting my time
no longer will i ache after allowing
yesterdays yearning to rise as yeast
and near self destruction
i'm my own opponent owning every ether filled second
my jeering jury jesting at my success
zealously zaps, zeroing in
on the existential examiner of my exposed sense of self

1 comment:

  1. neurotic mechanism of synaptic cleft !!! now thats what i like
